Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One Moment in Time CFD

                                                ALL-STAR PLAYER                                     
Zachery Greer

            It was an awesome baseball game for me.  There were many different ages on the team I was on.  There were ages 7-10.  I was the oldest at the age of 10.  I was also the biggest on the team.  I only knew 3 kids on that team, and those were my brother, Jake, and Darren.  Darren was the second biggest kid on the team, and was also a pitcher just like me.  The only thing he had over me was the speed on his pitches, but he didn’t have any accuracy.  As the team captain for our first game, coach put me as the starting pitcher.  So I warmed up for about 20 minutes.  Then it came game time.  I was nervous like I never was before.  So the first inning came and I got 1-2-3 outs and that’s what happened to our team in the first inning.  In the bottom of the second inning, I was leading off, on the 2nd pitch in the at bat, I hit a double.  So I scored to make it 1-0 game.  In the top of the 3rd inning, I gave up 2 hits.  In about the 5th inning I came up to bat again and this time the bases were loaded and I hit an inside the park grand slam.  I made the score 5-0 with one inning to go.  In the last inning I gave up 1 more hit and after that the game was over.  With the final score 5-0, we won.  I got 15 out of18 people out either with strikeouts or just normal outs.  After the talk the coach had with us I got the game ball and went home to have a victorious lunch.  

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